1. When did you realize you had a legitimate shot at making finals?
- I’ve always thought I could make the finale. I am phenomenal at these games. My first stan brother? I won. Every anon forum game? 3rd 9th 7th 6th and now guaranteed 2nd. When nobody knows who I am and how I play beforehand I wipe the floor with them.
2. Out of both finalists, who do you think will actually win and why?
- I think Steven will win because the jurors are losers and don’t respect how badly I beat them.
3. Whose jury votes do you think you have and who do you think your opponent has?
The only ones I’m sure of me having are Lana and piper? I think. Steven def has Justine and teddy for sure
4. If your opponent wins, would they be a deserving winner?
- I guess but I would be better I carried our team
5. Did you have fun this season? Any suggestions for a future season?
- yes. And make the riddles less hard because everyone on this app is dumb